Did you know...
Every 2.5 seconds a pet in the United States receives emergency medical care?
Accidents happen,
And we are ready for the unexpected!

During our regular business hours we are always prepared to see emergency cases and will always prioritize these critical patients, regardless of our routine appointment schedule. Our experienced team of veterinary professionals is ready to calmly, efficiently and skillfully care for your pet under even the most extreme circumstances. For those more critical cases that need the attention of a 24 hour emergency hospital, we will triage the patient and once stable, we will transfer care to one of the nearby, trusted 24-hour hospitals that specialize in critical care.
If your pet experiences a pet emergency, call us immediately to alert our team that you are on your way.
After Hours Emergency?
VCA California Veterinary Specialists (CVS)
2310 Faraday Ave
Carlsbad CA
Open 24 hours
Poison Ingestion
Injured Wildlife
Project Wildlife
San Diego Human Society
Drop off location:
5433 Gaines St, San Diego CA